Ambulance Corps
Serving Closter & Alpine since 1936 The Closter Volunteer Ambulance and Rescue Corps, Inc., the first volunteer service ambulance corps in the Northern Valley area, has been serving the communities with first aid and rescue for over sixty years. The Corps serves the Borough of Closter, Alpine, and the Palisades Interstate Parkway from exit 2 to just north of exit 4. In addition to these two towns, they provide mutual assistance to the surrounding towns.
Membership to the Corps is open to any resident of Closter or neighboring town as well as any person who is employed in the Borough of Closter. The applicant needs to be at least 17 years of age and possess a valid NJ driver's license. No experience or training is required prior to joining, but within the first year the applicant must successfully complete state certification to become an Emergency Medical Technician. The classes teach the student in depth and technical caring for the sick and the injured. The Corps will assist with supportive training during our monthly drills and meetings. Members respond to calls during the day between the hours of 6 AM and 8PM. The Corps has an assigned duty crew for the night time hours between 8 PM and 6 AM. During the day the Corps members are notified of an emergency call by the horn and a pager, which is provided to them by the corps, and the horn. During the nighttime hours duty crews are notified of an emergency call by pager. No horns will sound during the night for the ambulance corps unless a second ambulance or the rescue truck is needed.
The two ambulances are not the only emergency vehicles that the Corps has, thanks to the Closter residents' generous donations. The Corps also has a heavy rescue truck and a first responder vehicle. The purpose of the rescue truck is to be used for heavy rescue such as car accidents, structure fires, and when people slip off the ledge of the cliffs. The Corps possesses an array of trained personnel. Members are trained in vehicle extrication and cliff rescue.
Presently there are forty active members and approximately thirty life members that belong to the Corps. Members participate in activities other than responding to calls. The membership sells food at the Labor Day festivities, participate in a fund drive, and educates the public in CPR and basic first aid. All first aid and CPR classes are run in conjunction with the American Red Cross.
The corps has the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Board of Trustees, Captain, First and Second Lieutenants, all of whom are elected by the members of the Corps and are responsible for the day to day operations. Non-emergency transportation service is provided for residents of Closter and Alpine at no cost to the resident. Those interested in using this service need to contact 201-768-3339 or 201-768-5000. In addition, the Corps loans out canes, walkers, wheelchairs and crutches to any resident in need of such items.
The Boroughs of Closter and Alpine provide some financial support to the Corps. The majority of the financial support; however, comes from you, the resident. The funds received by the Corps are utilized to maintain equipment, purchase supplies, maintain and operate emergency vehicles. The Corps' headquarters are located at 72 Ruckman Road, Closter NJ. We thank all the residents of Closter and Alpine for their past and continued support.
Please remember if you have an emergency dial 911 !